Tips for moving featured image (Photo by WAYHOME studio via Shutterstock)

Preparing for a Big Move? Use These 9 Tips for a Stress-Free Transition Into Your New Space

Planting roots in a new town or city is one of the most exciting life changes there is. On the other hand, moving isn’t without its stressors as you need to consider how you’ll transport your belongings and get settled in your new surroundings. However, you can save yourself the unnecessary headaches and worry simply by preparing smarter. This way you can focus on the fun aspects of moving like redesigning your space and gearing up for a new job if you’re relocating due to your career. Here are nine ways to make your big move as seamless as possible.

Why is moving stressful?

There are moving parts that come with relocating to a new place, including changing your address, packing your possessions and figuring out how you’ll navigate the surrounding area. This is coupled with the emotional aspect of moving as you’re leaving a place you’ve called home for a period of time and have made so many memories. It’s understandable that this process feels like a lot to take in. However, it’s happening and you’ll be better off taking steps to ensure a smooth and prosperous transition, rather than allowing yourself to get overwhelmed by the process.

How do you make moving as stress-free as possible?

To have a successful move that doesn’t wear you out physically, emotionally and mentally, try these suggestions below.

1. Plan ahead as much as possible.

A stress-free move is one where you’ve prepared for the transition well in advance. If you’re able to, start planning at least two months before your moving date. A good place to begin is by creating lists of important tasks and deadlines that need to be completed or met prior to relocating.

2. Sort through your belongings.

This is one of the core aspects of moving that may take the longest time. But, gradually going through your belongings and donating, selling or discarding unused items declutters your current space and allows you to see what needs to be packed. With the items you plan to keep, create a labeling system for boxes that lists the contents and room it should go to in your new space. Also, devising an inventory helps keep track of items as you’re transporting them – which saves you time and worry.

3. Enlist professionals and/or loved ones to do some of the work.

Moving can take a physical and mental toll on your money, but you can minimize it by enlisting help to move your items (whether big or small). Research and reach out to reputable professional moving companies that have positive reviews and whose services fit your budget. Also, contact any family or friends who can help you pack and transport items. Ultimately, you shouldn’t strain yourself physically or mentally trying to tackle this move.

4. Invest in quality packing supplies.

Packing materials like boxes, bubble wrap and packing tape are essential in this process, so invest in the best. For the majority of your items, this means using quality, sturdy boxes to protect them from damage during the moving process. Be sure to have plenty of bubble wrap and tape handy as an additional measure to keep your belongings in tip-top shape.

5. Pack smarter.

The earlier you can start packing, the better so you’re not scrambling at the last minute. Ideally, you should pack items you use infrequently first and then move on to your regularly used belongings. Also, consider packing each room at a time in order to keep similar items together.

6. Keep some essentials handy for the first day in your new space.

Another way to have a seamless move is by packing an essential bag for your first day and night. While it’s an extra thing to do, it allows you to continue with your regular routines until you’re fully unpacked. Also, it’s useful to quickly retrieve staple belongings if an emergency arises. An essentials bag should contain things like extra pairs of clothes, important documents and toiletries.

7. Notify any and all necessary parties about your move.

In the midst of moving, make changing your address with your bank, post office and any other relevant institutions a top priority. This reduces any confusion and potential chaos when documents and regular mail are being sent to you. In addition to this, it’s good to inform close friends and family of your new address in case of an emergency.

8. Schedule relaxation breaks as needed.

One of the most important tips for navigating a big move is to stay calm and focused on the task at hand. If you’re constantly in go mode then it’s hard to do this. So, take breaks when things feel overwhelming and/or your body needs to rest. Whether this means taking a nap or fitting in a spa day just before moving day, keeping stress at bay

9. Devise a smart unpacking strategy.

Having an unpacking plan in place before moving helps you determine the order in which items need to be unpacked and put away. This way you won’t have clutter and boxes lying around in your humble abode for long periods of time, allowing you to start feeling at home in your new space. Ultimately, moving is something you’ll likely do at some point or other and being proactive makes the process much easier. You’ve got this!

Featured image credit: Photo by WAYHOME studio via Shutterstock

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