Small space design story featured image (Photo by Ground Picture via Shutterstock)

Turn Your Small Space Into a Pinterest Oasis Using These 9 Clever Design Hacks

Your living space is the primary place to recharge your mind and body, which is why there’s no better feeling than coming home to relax and unwind after a long day. Designing your space to reflect your own personal taste, while promoting feelings of calm and tranquility ensures that you’ll never get tired of staying in if you’re too tired to go out. In fact, your humble abode doesn’t have to be super spacious in order to turn it into an aesthetically pleasing space. Here are seven design hacks that will turn your small space into a Pinterest oasis.

1. Move large furniture away from the center of the space.

When redesigning a small space, you want to arrange large furniture pieces in a way that doesn’t make the room feel cramped. Placing furniture items like couches and loveseats closer to the wall, rather than in the center of the room, opens up the space. This simple trick makes your space look and feel bigger. 

2. Pick an appropriate paint color for the walls.

Paint can make your space either look smaller or bigger than it is. Because of this, it’s ideal to pick colors that enlarge and brighten your space. Colors such as light gray, bright white, taupe, mint green, soft yellow and light pink create a light and calm ambiance to a room, which is key for making it feel spacious.

3. Go for a gallery wall.

Hanging framed photos adds a decorative touch, but take it to the next level by creating a gallery wall. This design technique involves arranging multiple framed photos on a wall so they’re closer together, rather than spaced apart. A gallery wall can feature photos in various sizes and designs with the goal of creating depth within the space. There are a few different styles of gallery walls, and you can find one that works for your space by watching West Elm’s video below. 

4. Contrast textures within each room.

In your space, find opportunities to contrast the textures around you to add character. This can mean combining light and dark colors within the area or soft fabrics with more rough, textured ones. Ultimately, looking at your space and seeing how to create moments of contrast gives it a vibrant and photo-worthy appeal.

5. Strategically place one or two mirrors throughout the space.

Mirrors aren’t just for your bedroom and bathroom–they can also be placed in your living or dining rooms. While this may sound odd, a mirror gives the illusion of more space and encourages natural light to shine in the room. Aim to place one to two small or medium-sized wall mirrors in these unconventional spots to beautify your space. (Bonus: Consider using antique mirrors for this as they add a timeless quality.)

6. Opt for a small dining set.

If your space is already small, getting a large dining table set will only limit that amount of free space in your eating. Instead, get a small dining that’s a statement piece but still embodies your aesthetic. Whether you prefer a minimalistic, rustic or modern dining table set, keep in mind that it shouldn’t consume your entire space and make it hard to navigate around.

7. Make every nook and cranny count.

Don’t let the tiny areas in your space go untouched! These spots can be utilized to house your favorite books for a reading nook, coffee equipment for a DIY coffee bar or home bar equipment for a bar cart. The choice is yours, but it’s important to get creative with these nooks and crannies in order to maximize your small space. For inspiration, see lifestyle blogger Moribyan turn an unused spot in her home into a cozy coffee corner in the video below. 

8. Decorate it with your favorite items and goods.

Oftentimes it’s said that less is more when it comes to decorating a small space, but I disagree. Making your space feel like a home is the ever-evolving priority. So, you should fill it with your favorite items without veering into the territory of making it cluttered.

9. Rearrange things as needed.

If you’re getting inspiration from Pinterest to design your space, then you’ll constantly come across new ways to update it–and that’s fine. Switching up a room or your overall space when you feel it needs a refresh ensures you’ll always be excited about coming home for some much-needed rest and relaxation!

Featured image credit: Photo by Ground Picture via Shutterstock

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