
Love, Thor, and Everything Mighty

This is not a typical movie review. Instead, I’m going to share with you what Thor: Love and Thunder showed me about its connection to love and spirituality. But there’s still spoilers below!

There’s a deeper meaning here than your typical MCU movie. Like the film Eternals, there’s a strong message of love, family, and forgiveness. I’m open to this spiritual connection in the MCU because it allows us to dig deeper and seek more meaning in what may look like a typical superhero movie. For me, I saw a lot of connections to Christianity that I wanted to explore, so let’s get into it. 

Thor sits in deep thought. Marvel Studios

What’s In a Name? 

Thor: Love and Thunder may seem like obvious nomenclature. The movie has Thor in it and his love interest Jane Foster. Bam, easy peasy. But let me push this even further for you. The Bible states that God’s voice is that of a wonderous Thunder. 

The Connection 

Thunder symbolizes hearing from God, and God’s main objective is for all of us to live in love. Despite race, creed, sexual orientation, or what time we go to bed lol, you get my point. So the title is a double entendre meaning love God. To take it even further, I could say, love God, for God first loved you. 

Listen carefully to the thunder of God’s voice as it rolls from his mouth. It rolls across the heavens, and his lightning flashes in every direction.

Then comes the roaring of the thunder— the tremendous voice of his majesty. He does not restrain it when he speaks. God’s voice is glorious in the thunder. We can’t even imagine the greatness of his power.

Job 37:2-5 (NLT)


Gorr. Marvel Studios

Big Mad

We’ve gone through traumatic experiences, and how that affects us may vary, but sometimes it cuts so deep that it makes you question God. Question faith; feel like you’re being mocked. Though He still loves us through all this, some lose their way. Gorr, The God Butcher, lost the one thing precious to him, and that was his daughter. So, he prayed to his god, and his god laughed in his face and made a fool of him. Infected by the Necrosword, it fed on his newly developed hate for the Gods. His soul/spirituality is now lost. 

The Connection 

Losing faith in God is a scary feeling. God is not something we see in nature; because of this, it can feel like He’s mocking us when things go wrong. It can feel lonely, but that’s when you should lean into Him more. Trust in Him. If not, you’re planting a seed of pain that could manifest into something else. God doesn’t need you to come to Him perfectly. You can go to Him in pain and allow Him to guide you through it. If not, you’re not seeking the love of a God. I could even say you’re lost without God. 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.

Proverbs 3:5


Thor Zesus. Marvel Studios

The God(s)

The movie references the gods because there are many. We have Zeus, Old Kronan God, Bast, Minerva, and many more. Each provides its own method of how they take care of its people. In desperate need of help, Thor wanted all the gods left to come together to defeat Gorr. 

The Connection 

Essentially every God coming together equates to one. One God. I’m not saying God is a Megazord, but I am using this to symbolize having one God in Christianity. Not only would they be coming together, but they would also be coming together out of love for others, and God is love. Unfortunately, Thor was unsuccessful, which shows me the price paid for those who turn away from God. Death. That doesn’t necessarily mean in life but death in His love.

“You shall have no other gods before me.”

Exodus 20:3


Jane. Might Thor. MarvelStudios

I Turn To You

Jane Foster has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and trying her best to beat it, not involving those around her except Darcy and Erik. After realizing her odds weren’t looking so good, she turns to the gods. Mjölnir, sworn to protect her, has called out to her. Jane arrives in New Asgard to view the pieces of Thor’s hammer, only for it to reassemble and choose her. Thus, Mighty Thor is created.  

The Connection

Mjölnir represents God saying, seek me, and I will fill you with all the power you need. Allow me to use people in your life as conduits of love because this is a journey you don’t have to go on alone. Some of us have been face to face with death, whether our own life or a loved one. We could’ve turned away from God, but we still choose His love. Jane could’ve been like Gorr and lost her way. Instead, she decides to love the life she has left by saving lives. This also translates to me that love heals. 

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

Jeremiah 29:13


Jane and Thor. Marvel Studios

Love Heals

Despite a costly price, Gorr did get what he wanted in the end. A chance to ask Eternity for one wish. A wish he thought would be for all Gods to die. But Thor planted a metaphorical seed of love, reminding Gorr to remember his love for his daughter. That love changed his mind, and he wished for her to return. Gorr, knowing that he was dying, feared she would be alone. Jane reassured him that his daughter wouldn’t be before Jane herself passed on. 

The Connection

God can still do great things in you even if you feel unsavable. Because even when you’re at your lowest, love can save. Gorr and Jane sacrificed a lot and still chose love in the end. God is love, and love conquers all. 

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7


I’m cooking up some spiritual food for thought because Thor: Love and Thunder lends itself to that. I don’t know if Director Taika Waititi thought about it this way, but I wanted to explore this connection, so my thoughts are my own. It was a good movie, so I encourage anyone to watch it for enjoyment and/or find their own connections. Just remember, love is what is mighty.

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