Mindfulness for Mental Distress show readers what it looks like to practice mindful living

Mindfulness for Mental Distress

Many are experiencing high levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and anxiety. Especially millennials we are trying to do the best with what we have. But coping with stressful situations and living in impoverished environments is hindering. Plus, dealing with, transitioning, divorcing, leaving a bad relationship, a loss, or silently suffering in emotional distress, all in the midst of a pandemic. Who would not fall under living in such conditions?  But you are in luck, good news. Here are 5 mindfulness tips to alleviate mental distress when faced under pressure:

What can help you to alleviate mental distress?

Practice of mindfulness

Recently, I got the chance to sit with Susan Barr-Toman, a mindfulness instructor and coach for the University of Pennsylvania’s mindfulness space stress reduction program. She shared valuable insights and ideas on a holistic mindfulness practice. The tips are easy, and you can do them at home. By yourself, in a group, or anywhere you spend your leisure time.

1. Stop-Breathe-Be to Ease Mental Distress

Try practicing 5-10 minute mindful meditation sessions. find yourself a cozy spot, sit in a chair, mat maybe by the window in a quiet area of your space and do nothing in those  5-10 minutes a day. To practice, this daily teaches you the key concept to mindfulness. It’s about living life as it happens. In this short mindful meditation, you are adapting to this kind of mindful thinking. Yes, you are just sitting doing nothing and this may be a challenge for productive people, but you are mastering your mindfulness skills. Just by sitting still, deep breathing, slow breaths within the abdomen, your awareness muscle is on and you are in the present. It is such a powerful mechanism to use. Do this step for 5 minutes out of your day daily and you will notice a clearer thought process occurring over time.

2.  Do not Dwell in Your Thoughts, Observe Your Thoughts to Ease Mental Distress

Most times, we put thoughts into our minds and start to believe them. We often use worry as a kind of coping or defense mechanism. Not that this is a healthy way to be. Instead of doing this, ask yourself, what are you worried about? What is your anxiety level when you think about it on a scale from 1-10? Now, when you take your mind off of this thought or feeling that causes worry and come back to the present,  you should feel your anxiety go down? If yes, it’s because you are back in the present, practicing mindful thinking. Meaning, you realize you do not hold the power to change your thoughts, but you do have the power to change how you perceive them. By bringing back your focus, you allow space for creativity to learn, grow and change in life. Observing your thoughts enables you to think in the here and now.

3. Try Incorporating Mindful Work and Study Sessions.

Before working at your desk, have a clear mind putting pen to paper. Just sit there not talking for 5-10 minutes before rigorous working. Practicing breathing from the abdomen enables less stress and anxiety. Because you are oxygenating your breath and essentially your mind, it is important to know that mindfulness only occurs with a focused and healthy mind. Your mind is a powerful muscle, take good care of it. It’s the perfect mechanism for a blocked-up mind that is in all different directions if your mind is open it enables the space for you to be more creative, mindful, and focus as you work.

4. Create a Mindful Environment to Alleviate Stress

In your time of leisure, your private space at home. Take some me-time. Show yourself self-compassion and self-love. Because how you treat yourself reflects how you treat others. Pour yourself your favorite tea, at the temperature you like. Chamomile is the best option or a peppermint herbal. You can even light a candle or two, get the incense, essential oils if you prefer. Another concept that helps you unwind listening to sounds of nature, soft classical music, or jazz. This is a wonderful mindfulness approach because it strengthens your attention and focuses on your sense of sight, hearing, smelling, and touching a great way to incorporate mindfulness daily, like an oasis or island of paradise. Another great way to use mindfulness for mental distress.

5. Mindful reminder, slow down, one thing at a time

Do not cram yourself, take your time. The best thoughts you have do not happen rushed. They come when your head is clear, focused, and ready to go. To get the best outcome you must think strategically, carefully with a true purpose this is also a key element to practicing mindful thinking. You cannot do this with a scattered mind.

All of these mindfulness tips will help you practice self-love, compassion, and kindness towards yourself, and alleviate mental distress better. In addition, you will reflect this compassion for yourself unto others.  Lastly, you are learning and grasping how to reflect empathy and gratitude to yourself.



Work Source

“How to Be Mindful Every Day | Easy Mindfulness Tips!” YouTube, YouTube, 18 Mar. 2019, www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRta09Hex8g.


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