
Maybe you were wrong about Meagan Good

On December 21, 2021, movie producer and author Devon Franklin revealed that he and his wife, actress Meagan Good, were ending their marriage. Meagan posted the same exact scripted caption and photo to her Instagram as well. The photo was of both Meagan Good and Devon Franklin, stating that, after much prayer, they agreed it was time to call it quits and move into the next evolution of their love, after 9 years of marriage. If you were just as confused as I was, the next evolution was just a nice way to say divorce.



The split of the Hollywood power couple, who were the goals of many relationships, left many stunned.

The couple responsible for the New York Times best-selling book “The Wait” seems to have it all figured out. Naysayers, however, profess they knew this movie Devon was producing, co-starring Meagan Good, was doomed from the start of production.

CIRCA 2012

Let’s go back, circa 2012. Meagan Good was easily the most popular black B-list movie actress in Hollywood. She has appeared in several films, including Stomp the Yard, You Got Served, and Deliver Us from Eva and Saw V.

With her most recent film at the time, Think like a man, had just crushed at the box office. Meagan was a fixture in Black culture, film and hip hop.

Meagan was featured in rapper and TV producer 50 cent’s 2003 hit, “21 Questions,” Meagan would also have a brief relationship with rapper’s Soulja Boy and 50 cent.

Meagan Good-Franklin


In June 2012, Ms. Good if you’re nasty was officially Good-Franklin, and that was anything but good for some people. Specifically, church folk.

Since Meagan and Devon announced their divorce without giving the wolves a reason, they went for blood and started to do the media thing and speculate.

The majority of the negative comments and the assumed reason for the splintered people site were directed at Meagan’s unwillingness to be a “good Christian woman.” “They were never equally yoked.”

Or they’d say that she only did it for Devon because she really wanted a different lifestyle. Some have gone as far to say she was not saved at all and was just pretending and, after 9 years, just got fed up.

Others still say it was because she did not want kids and/or had to turn down acting roles. The “I knew it” and “I told you so” terrorists were all in the comment sections. Basically, everyone was painting this narrative that the divorce was clearly because of her “lifestyle.”

Ever since the two became one, Meagan has had to defend her life as a Christian.

People bring up her past movie roles or the way she dresses.

One church LA TV

In a viral video from One Church LA TV, a woman in the audience makes a comment telling Meagan she needs to cover up, and Devon steps up and defends Meagan and puts the woman in her place. Respectfully,

The criticism continued.



But here is the gag: what if Meagan was the godlier spouse? What if her witnessing Devon not demonstrate the attributes of a devoted Christian and that drove her away? Why hasn’t anyone considered that Devon might be the one who isn’t living a Christ-honoring life?

If we judge people based on their past, then the faith we are putting them on trial for should include ours as well. For if we believe the scriptures to be true, “old things have passed away, behold, all things are new in Christ Jesus.”

It is unbiblical to believe that a. Devon, as a Christian, cannot make mistakes, and b. Meagan Good cannot change. Furthermore, who are you, sister, so and so, to determine where a person ought to be in their sanctification?

People are so intent on molding others to fit their own Christian preferences that we deprive people of their freedom to grow voluntarily in their relationship with God.

Meagan Good-Bet-awards-devon franklin

What if it was Devon having a spiritual crisis, maybe deconstructing his own faith and neglecting his first ministry? No, of course not. It had to be Meagan because she was a “sex symbol”.

The unfortunate reality is that the church has done a poor job of modeling and accepting femininity without deeming it promiscuity. This has caused women to be jealous and bitter, wishing they had the same confidence as other women and too afraid that their confidence would steal the attention of all the prospects. So, instead of teaching men how to be pure of mind and self-controlled, they do the less effective thing and tell women to be 20-something year old grandmothers. I digress.

Meagan Good-SHAZAM

Maybe you’re wrong about Meagan Good, and here is why.

First, Meagan Good gave her life to Jesus Christ a year before meeting Devon. In an interview with the New York Post, Meagan shared that in 2010, she ditched the party-girl lifestyle and became a born-again Christian.

Devon and Meagan did not begin dating until 2011.

In that same interview, Meagan shared that she had vowed to wait until marriage for sex as well. Decisions, Meagan made before Devon was in the picture.

Meagan Good has done a lot of good since becoming a married woman. In an interview Meagan even talks about turning down roles she thought would disappoint God. Notice she never said she turned down roles to not disappoint her husband.


Meagan has modeled great acts of service and professions of faith over the last 9 years. Not very different from NFL star Russell Wilson’s celebrity singer wife, Ciara.

No shade, but Ciara’s life was far more publicly reckless and no one put her faith on trial.

Let’s normalize not trying to make people earn the same grace we got for free.

I do not know the reason for Meagan and Devon’s divorce. But I am willing to bet on two things. One, its not because Devon is a super christian. Two, its not because Meagan is a lesser christian. They both need grace, just like you and I.


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